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Talks at CHEP04

395 2004-Sep-30 16:30 oral presentation WIRED 4 - A generic Event Display plugin for JAS 3 DONSZELMANN, Mark 4 t2
397 2004-Sep-27 15:20 oral presentation AIDA, JAIDA and AIDAJNI: Data Analysis using interfaces. TURRI, Massimiliano 6 t3
399 2004-Sep-30 17:50 oral presentation JASSimApp plugin for JAS3: Interactive Geant4 GUI SERBO, Victor 4 t2
400 2004-Sep-29 15:40 oral presentation The FreeHEP Java Library Root IO package JOHNSON, Tony 6 t3
401 2004-Sep-30 17:30 oral presentation Interactive Data Analysis on the Grid using Globus 3 and JAS3 JOHNSON, Tony 9 t5
402 2004-Sep-30 18:10 oral presentation Writing Extension Modules (Plug-ins) for JAS3 JOHNSON, Tony 4 t2